Just some of today's group run conversation topics:
- Mike's choice of a head gear - a headband that I proposed was effeminate
- Whether my shoes were effeminate, or just odd
- How one shouldn't judge another's choice of head gear until one know's how cold and windy it is
- How kittens don't hold up well to garage doors
- Whether a racial remark is also a racist remark
- Apparently many women in the Army look hotter "all dolled up" than they do when they are combat ready
- Men in the Army are supposed to get tight crew cuts, but not go completely bald, for fear they might be mistaken for skin heads.
- Would a skin head in the Army be allowed to shave his/her head?
- Skin heads in the Army would need to be taught to kill people because we say so, not because they hate them
- People who are not American citizens can still serve in the Army
- Sikhs in the Army don't have to cut their hair at all
- We miss getting bonuses
- Apparently there is an elaborate system and meaning to how a cowboy hat is shaped.
- Mike has not only a cowboy hat, but also boots and a duster that he used to wear out, not for Halloween, but to a bar, to pick up women. It didn't work.
- Canadian border guards wear body armor.
- Not everyone finds women in body army attractive.
- We're all glad we don't have to go to Canada this week.
- Clumsy by Our Lady Peace (a Canadian band)
- My foot prints look like those of "Baby Sasquatch"
Note: Picture above is of a Canadian Sikh. Who knew? Ah, the magic of Google Images...
Numbers: 4.4 miles and a decent clip.
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