It would be a slow jaunt. I could enjoy the seasonal changes and maybe find something interesting to write about.
The first thing I noticed when I hit the trail was the blanket of leaves.
Blessing and curse, they're beautiful and evil, as they hide danger below.
Being a good trail runner, I reminded myself to stay present, be vigilant, don't drag my toes, and everything would work out just fine.
Moving on, I found more leaves. These were falling, falling by the bushel. There were thousands falling and I couldn't catch a one. It was impossible pick any single leaf out from the swarm. Later, I managed to "catch" one, only because at some point it had landed on my head, and stuck.
With the leaves off the trees, the trail offers a new view of the White River.
I started thinking about how many times a week I cross this river without even noticing. What was to our pioneering forefathers a formidable obstacle when traveling east or west, is now mostly unnoticed thanks to bridges with walls higher than the windows of the average SUV. And what was once a provider of food and transportation, is now an open sewer whose inhabitants I wouldn't care to touch, let alone eat.
Soon, I momentarily lost the trail in the scatter...
Can you see where the trail is?
It's there... somewhere.
This served as another reminder to keep focused and mindful of the footing. I pressed on, attentive to my footing.

The absolute second I let me guard down, I hit the dirt... hard.
And here's the culprit...
Let's try removing a few pieces of Nature's camouflage.
There's the little bastard.
I hit it square. No time to even attempt a recovery. Before I knew it, I was on the ground. Surprised. Pissed. Sore.
I'm still sore.
I suppose I had it coming. I was feeling so good yesterday, and 2.4 miles worth of today. A reminder to cherish the good days, I guess.
I'm not bitter... much.
Good running,
Numbers: 2.6 miles, 12 feet of which I was airborne.
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