Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 73 - Pi Day

I'd like wish everyone a happy pi day.

In keeping with common custom, I spent my pi day watching season openers for Formula One and Indy Car and then attending my oldest daughter's Senior State Finals. I'm sure you did the same, so I won't bore you with the details.

Other than to say that my daughter swam like the wind like a dolphin the race of her life to help her 400 Free Relay team claim 5th. In the State. It. Was. Awesome.

It was a great day. Lots of good kid time.

Driving home from the meet, realizing I still needed to get a run in, and that I had a RedBox DVD sitting on the kitchen counter that wasn't going to put itself back into that dark slot, I knew I was in for my first night run of the year.

With Daylight Savings stealing an hour of precious sleep in exchange for pushing back the dark hour in the evenings for a few months (a fair trade in my book), you'd think it wouldn't be that dark. It was dark enough.

My irresponsible and unbelievably fun antics of yesterday didn't leave me crippled, surprisingly. I actually ran really well. Short, but quick-ish.

Run done. Water bill paid. The rest of the night's plans were to kick back with a Fat Tire and bask in the vicarious glory of my daughter's triumphant swim while watching the last two disks in the BBC series that has infested my Netflix queue.

Turns out the same pride inducing daughter lifted the next disk to watch at her mom's.

The same otherwise perfect girl with whom I've had to discuss respect for others and thinking of how her actions might affect others and the value of asking before you fudging take something that isn't yours.

How do they know? How did she know that her balance would be so high in the good column in the spreadsheet in my mind that such an act wouldn't drive me to hysterics? How can they so perfectly judge how much bad behavior they can get away with? She even lifted it BEFORE her swim! Did she stand in her room, weighing the likelihood of a great swim against how ticked I'd be when I found the disk gone?

I honestly think she did.

She knows better than to do something like that... especially on pi day.

Good running,

Numbers: 1.9 miles in mist on pavement. (Wish I'd been able to work in 3.14 miles.)

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