So... I'm going to talk about the Winter Olympics. Specifically the television coverage.
NBC, I'd like an all alpine channel. And an all curling channel.
It's a crime that we are subjected to 713 rounds of figure skating short programs, and get not even a third of the downhill runs.
I understand that I have less-than-popular taste, but come on.... who wouldn't rather watch people risking their lives, rocketing over an iced-on-purpose, damn near vertical course... down a mountain!
And Snowboard-Cross... are you kidding me... this is made for TV. Clear winner, short races, intense shoulder-to-shoulder competition, people flying through the air, repeatedly. I'd watch Snowboard-Cross every weekend. If this doesn't appeal to you more than yet another triple salchow and frilly unitard, then you... well, I just don't know.
Curling? It's the most relaxing sport in the world. Canada's bowling. I bet half those dudes have beers stashed just behind the boards. Even shuffle board is more interesting than figure skating. This is extreme shuffle board...with heavy-ass stones... and brooms... on ice!
Uhg, I need another run, already...
Next time I run from work, I go it alone.
Good running,
Numbers: 1.3 rest-miles... felt like 40.
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